Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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The 21st Polish Show of Inventions Awarded at 2013 World Innovation Fairs is taking place today and tomorrow (February 11th−12th) at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw. Grupa Azoty Puławy employees received awards for their two inventions at the Brussels Innova 2013 Innovation Fair last year.

A GOLD MEDAL with an HONORARY MENTION and a SPECIAL AWARD went to the project “Method of removing fluoride compounds from liquids generated from the flue gas desulfurization process, and an appliance for implementing the method” entered by the Fertilizer Research Institute of Puławy and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.

The authors of the project are: Piotr Maria Synowiec, Barbara Bunikowska, Bożena Pisarska, Cezary Możeński, Stanisław Jaworski, Marta Stechman, Tomasz Pepliński, Tomasz Krupa, and Ryszard Jarosz. Removing fluoride compounds from liquids produced during the ammonia-based flue gas desulfurization process is of strategic importance for their further processing, since:

it allows to achieve the required quality of the product, which is nitrogen fertilizer with a sulfur content,
it helps to reduce emissions of noxious substances into the atmosphere, and it helps to reduce the concentration of one of the most corrosive substances in the liquids.

A GOLD MEDAL was also granted to the project “Method of cyclohexyl hydroperoxide decomposition in the process of cyclohexane oxidation” entered by the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute and Zakłady Azotowe Puławy S.A.

The team behind the invention comprises: Michał Zylbersztejn, Andrzej Zimowski, Andrzej Kania, Tadeusz Darczuk, Remigiusz Sylwestrowicz, Jacek Cebulski, and Marcin Popiołek.

The invention makes it possible to significantly reduce the consumption of benzene and caustic soda lye and, consequently, to cut production costs. It was already implemented at the PUŁAWY plant without any additional investment required. The method helps to enhance selective decomposition of the intermediate product (cyclohexyl hydroperoxide) to the end product (cyclohexanone), and has been implemented in existing appliances.

The opening ceremony of the 21st Polish Show of Inventions Awarded in 2013 will be held today (February 11th). During the ceremony, the authors of winning inventions will be presented with statuettes and diplomas from the Minister of Science and Higher Education. The attendees will include the exhibitors of the Show awarded at innovation fairs and shows held in 2013, representatives of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Polish Patent Office, and other institutions engaged in promoting and developing a culture of innovation, as well as print, radio and TV journalists. The aim of the event is to promote at home Polish inventions which were internationally recognised in the last year. The Show of Inventions helps attract the attention of corporate clients to Polish technological and scientific solutions and innovative products. The awarded inventions will be presented at the Show as original products, prototypes, models, images, multimedia presentations, information boards, brochures and leaflets.
