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The two-day 2014 Polish Chemical Industry Congress opened on June 12th 2014 in the Puławy Research and Technology Park. The event was organised by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, with Grupa Azoty S.A. as one of its strategic partners. After just one day, the participants agreed that the Congress may become a permanent fixture in the industry’s calendar of events.

The subject of the strategic debate held on the first day was ‘Polish chemical industry in the context of EU economy’, reflecting the tenth anniversary of Poland’s accession to the EU. All lectures and presentations confirmed the high position of the Polish chemical industry relative to the chemical industry in the EU member states. The first speakers in the discussion panel included Włodzimierz Karpiński, Minister of the State Treasury, and Paweł Jarczewski, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty S.A.

Polish chemical companies should join forces to develop their processing capacities and stimulate demand on the Polish market to ensure higher domestic consumption of products currently exported,” argued Mr Jarczewski.

Seven sessions were held during the first day of the Congress, featuring Polish chemical industry champions and covering a wide variety of topics, including competitiveness and distribution of chemical products and use of technology and energy in their manufacture.

June 13th 2014 was the second day of the 2014 Polish Chemical Industry Congress. It began with a site visit to the facilities of Grupa Azoty Puławy S.A. The special guests invited to the Congress were Włodzimierz Karpiński, Minister of the State Treasury, and Dr. Kurt Bock, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF SE and President of the European Chemical Industry Council.

In his speech given during the Congress, Dr. Kurt Bock, BASF CEO and President of CEFIC, emphasised the need to move towards a green economy, arguing that an environmentally friendly approach will guarantee accelerated industry growth. He further noted that the European economy should be aiming to optimise production efficiency.

It is vital for Poland to continue its programme of shale gas exploration and production and for other countries to follow suit (...) Europe cannot afford not to use its resources,” said Kurt Bock, adding that innovation is an essential precondition and guarantee of development.

In his address, Mr Bock also noted that Europe is strong in terms of its industrial and research performance. Exports are steadily on the rise in the industrial sector and European countries enjoy an advantage on the global research market. Given its excellent R&D base, Europe should be leading the world in research, but to that end more should be invested in scientific research programmes.

The 2014 Polish Chemical Industry Congress was organised by the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry and was held on June 12th–13th at the Puławy Research and Technology Park. Grupa Azoty S.A. was a strategic partner of the Congress.
