Grupa Kapitałowa Grupa Azoty
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Statement from Grupa Azoty Puławy and Polimex Mostostal
Statement from Grupa Azoty Puławy and Polimex Mostostal

On January 24, 2025, the management boards of Grupa Azoty Puławy S.A. and Polimex Mostostal S.A. met in Puławy to discuss the current situation regarding the construction of the coal-fired power block (the BW100 project) and to explore options for amicably resolving the dispute, with due regard for the interests of both parties.

“The progress of the BW100 project and the level of investment already committed require us, as the management board of Grupa Azoty Puławy, to pursue the successful completion of this project in collaboration with Polimex Mostostal,” emphasized Hubert Kamola, President of the Management Board of Grupa Azoty Puławy.

“We are ready to continue discussions with Grupa Azoty Puławy, keeping in mind the interests of both parties,” summarized Jakub Stypuła, Acting President of the Management Board of Polimex Mostostal S.A..
